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The impact of concussions, particularly repetitive ones in contact sports, on long-term brain health is a topic of growing concern and research. Concussions result from the brain being jarred, leading to potential permanent neurological issues. These issues can manifest as difficulties in concentration, cognitive impairments, and even reduced IQ. 

The Nature of Concussion-Related Brain Injuries 

While a single concussion may not lead to progressive neurological diseases, the cumulative effect of multiple concussions can cause ongoing problems. This is especially pertinent in sports where head collisions are common, such as rugby league, union, and Australian Rules Football (AFL). 

Preventive Measures in Contact Sports 

Given the evidence, it is crucial for athletes in these sports to prioritise head protection. Implementing protective measures like skull protection can significantly reduce the impact experienced during collisions. Proper headgear may not only mitigate immediate injury but also safeguard long-term neurological health by reducing the risk of severe damage. 

The Importance of Awareness and Safety 

Raising awareness about the long-term effects of concussions is vital. Athletes, coaches, and sports organisations must recognise the seriousness of concussion injuries and adopt comprehensive safety protocols to minimise risks. 

Understanding and addressing the long-lasting effects of concussions are essential for the health and safety of athletes. By prioritising protective measures and raising awareness, we can help safeguard the neurological well-being of those involved in contact sports. 

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